
Vision for Automation

Computer Vision for Test Automation and RPA

Such Simple: Click Button “Login”

Interactive U-xer Demo: See It in Action!

What we Do


Our unique screen recognition models interpret screens in the same way that humans do. We empower non-technical users to automate simple tasks, while allowing advanced users to tackle more complex tasks with ease.


Designed for Non-Technical Users


Designed for Advanced Users (Yes, copying and pasting scripts is allowed)

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User-Friendly Scripting

No technical skills? No problem. Our intuitive scripting language like “Click Button ‘Login'” makes automation accessible to everyone.

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Script Anywhere, Anytime

No application under test? No internet? No problem. With “U-xer,” you can kickstart your automation journey right from your notepad, using just the application design as your guide. Experience automation like never before—fast, flexible, and barrier-free.

Platform Independence

Automate anything, anywhere. Whether it’s Web or Desktop, “U-xer” works seamlessly across all platforms with just a screenshot. U-xer supports anything visible on screen regardless of the application type: windows desktop, mac desktop, browser, games and now mobile as well (Android automation for Mac users is ready, others are in progress)

Human-like Screen Understanding

Unlike other tools, “U-xer” interprets screens just like a human does, enabling more natural and accurate automation of a wide range of tasks.

Endless opportunities

One Tool, Endless Applications

Boost your automation game with “U-xer,” your go-to multi-functional tool for test automation, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and bot development. Whether it’s web apps, desktop software, or tasks on your mobile device farm, “U-xer” has got you covered. Stay tuned for upcoming support for native mobile devices and Mac. Plus, with our specialized solutions, even game automation is possible.


Multi-Functional Use


Cross-Platform Compatibility

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No tutorial needed

Almost Zero Learning Curve, Infinite Possibilities

Step into a world where automation is as simple as writing a to-do list. “U-xer” is designed to eliminate steep learning curves, letting you focus on automating tasks rather than navigating complicated interfaces or syntax.


Instant Familiarity


Unlimited Scope

Have a custom project?

Need a tailored solution? “U-xer” offers custom project support to meet your unique automation needs, ensuring a perfect fit.

Here is your first automation script 

Simply copy and paste it into your project, and it will work. Can you guess what it does?

Openbrowser Chrome “”
Click Text “English”
Click Text “Search Wikipedia”
Write “The Fermi Paradox”
Click Text “Lack of evidence”
Isvisible Text “Aliens exist”